Noun: Activism; the policy or action of using vigorous campaigning to bring about political or social change. Otis was born to disrupt the industrialised dairy industry of New Zealand, raising the conversation around the need to diversify our land use. This is obviously a big task and one we are 100% committed to. It’s a task we can’t achieve alone or in one hit, and we’re always on the lookout for partners and ideas to take us one step closer.

We will only achieve such a mighty task through the cross pollination of ideas and information sharing. So, if you’re someone who can help strengthen the plant based cause, has an idea that needs help bringing to life, or have a cause that you feel the platform of Otis can assist in raising up, please get in touch. We are continually looking for better ways to make our business and products better and activist voice louder. Got some ideas? Send them to us

This doesn’t mean this is all we focus on, and all that is wrong with the world. We are made up of a diverse group of humans and decided amongst ourselves that as a socially conscious company we must support the other causes helping to better the world we live in.

CPAG – Child Poverty Action Group
CPAG strives to achieve the elimination of child poverty in Aotearoa New Zealand. They work to provide evidence-based research about the causes and effects of poverty on children and their families, and to inform the public, policy makers, media and politicians of the changes to policy needed to reduce child poverty.
CPAG – Child Poverty Action Group

Sustainable Coastlines NZ
Sustainable Coastlines is a registered New Zealand charity with a mission to enable people to look after the coastlines and waterways they love.
Sustainable Coastlines