Our Mission: Lead a plant based revolution that creates positive change for people & the planet.
Otis was founded with enthusiasm at the prospect of doing good for both people and the planet.
It’s our belief that we can no longer take our planet for granted. If we want our rivers to be clean, our soil rich and fertile and our wildlife abundant, now more than ever things have got to change.
For us that starts with changing what we eat and how we farm.
Over the past 25 years as a nation, we have been way too good at dairy, in particular intensive dairy. And while more cows, more fertilizer and more irrigation might have been good for economic growth it’s come at the detriment of our delicate environment.
We believe that we need to diversify our farming landscape so it’s much more in balance and in harmony with nature.
We and our farmers need an alternative. And we believe the humble oat is our answer.
Not only do we grow some of the best oats in the world, but oats require less water and less land than dairy. Plus, they don’t burp, fart or urinate making them kinder on the land & our planet.
Which is why with you, New Zealand farmers and the mighty oat we’re on a mission to lead a plant-based revolution from right here in Aotearoa. A revolution that gets more people drinking New Zealand oat milk, and more farmers growing New Zealand oats. And to help with that, we’re also committing to donate 1% of our sales towards helping farmers with this transition.
Together, we can create a better future for us and for future generations to come. A future, where children can swim in our rivers, fish and bird life can flourish and where rural communities can thrive.